Head Of The Demon – Sathanas Trismegistos Digipak CD


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Creeping with a sinister vibe of the occult Head of the Demon deliver a slow brooding darkness that stirs some sense of ‘this isn’t quite right’ in the back of the brain (…) Sweden’s Head of the Demon is super-weird super-interesting super-dark doom that stands apart by dint of a ritualistic edge black heavy metal influences and an enduring obsession with Lovecraft. They’ve got that creepy not-quite-human vibe that bands like MORTUARY DRAPE and NEGATIVE PLANE harness so effectively but slow it all down to a staid pace-think a de-fuzzed but just as eerie SATURNALIA TEMPLE. Their new album Sathanas Trismegistos is already one of the strangest black metal-adjacent recordings I’ve heard this year and it’s proving impossible to stop listening. It’s music that gets inside your head just like the slithering horror of the band’s spiritual guide has done to generations of readers and acolytes – Noisey – Music By Vice

Additional information

Weight 0.33 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 0.4 in